Chronic prostatitis

Previously, also non-bacterial chronic prostatitis was treated with antibiotics in Sweden, but recent research suggests that it has no effect. The question is whether this is the case or if also the “non-bacterial” type depends on bacterias that are difficult to detect by standard urine tests. Doctors in many countries still treat with antibiotics and some patients report that they get better.

What can I do to get well from chronic prostatitis?

Combine all the points below:

  • Omega3
  • Vitamin D
  • Hot Pants if cold outside. (also at night)
  • Low Carb High Fat diet (anti-inflammatory diet)
  • Cernitol (herbal medicine)
  • Antibiotics (First try to find bacteria through culture after prostatic massage in order to apply the right type of antibiotic. Or try something broadband such as Doxycycline + Flagyl).

Site in which patients describe how they have improved by using different methods: